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The New World Vision is a moral organization that was inspired by the book “The Key To The New World”. The New World Vision is the establishment or the restoration of the moral values that seemed to have been trampled on by modern societies. It is the answer to many unanswered dogmas that seemed to have pushed many people to question the scriptures.


The New World Vision gives a sense to what seemed to be senseless to the intellectual of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.


The New World Vision is the answer to many social irregularities in both the developed and under development countries. The New World vision is the UNITY, PEACE and STABILITY project.


In order to have a clear view of what we stand for, check our home and mission pages. Our partners page also reveals much about who we are and what we stand for.


We recommend you to read the book "THE KEY TO THE NEW WORLD". It will help you understand what the World is supposed to look like. 

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